Do you want to whiten your teeth with low cost teeth whitening products? Are you considering taking free trial of teeth whitening product? Don’t ever take those products! It will cost you more that you’ve ever imagined.
Recently, there are lots of new teeth whitening products offer free trial. They claim you can try their free product by paying shipping & handling only (usually about $4 – $7). Is it real? No catch? No, it’s a scam.
Here is how these scams work:
- You have to sign up and enter your credit card information so they can charge you Shipping & Handling fee.
- After a period of time, usually 10-15 days after you subscribe, if you don’t cancel your subscription, they will charge you for the products sent to you (usually about $40 – $80). They won’t care whether you have received the products or not.
- You are automatically subscribed to the products and they will automatically debit your credit card each month (about $40 – $80) until you cancel your subscription.
- And don’t ever think you can cancel your subscription easily. They will make it difficult, or even impossible, to cancel. They will make it hard for you to contact them. You will not be able to find their contact number easily. You will spend hours on the phone trying to contact them then wait on hold for ages. Sometimes they even just ignore your call.
If you insist to take free trial program, I suggest you to contact them first before you give them your credit card. Just call them and pretend to cancel any order then see what you get.
Here are testimonials from some of those scam victims… lures me with, successful teeth whitening story using only free trail product. So I order a free trial with $6 shipping fee. 15 days later I was charged $ 82 and $ 2.50 international transaction fees with no product received. I was shock!! and immediately called to cancel. They refused to refund my money anyway!! because I didn’t call to cancel the free trial within 14 days, he said, I have to pay $ 82 for the trial kit. What a JOKE!!! After an hour of rough conversation, I manage to get the cancellation no. Then I check with my bank and realize that the company charges me another $82 just right when i call to cancel my product. This Whitening Now is a total scam!! Please be careful!! The product itself is ineffective. They also use more than 10 different names for the same product and tons of ad webs and blogs to lure you.. I am so mad with this dishonest practice.
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I purchased this product under the name of “BrightTeeth Whitening System”…I made the purchase with the understanding that I would pay $5 for shipping/handling. Imagine my surprise when I was billed almost $80 ($78.96) 2 weeks later. I called my bank…they gave me an 800 number that I subsequently called. The 800 number gives me some guy in India (Mumbai) who I can barely understand. I proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes (no exaggeration) arguing with this individual about the product, the money, etc. Long story short, they would NOT refund my money, They would NOT cancel my recurring orders, They would NOT allow me to speak to upper management, They would NOT provide me with any contact info in the USA. In the end, I had to cancel my card w/ my bank. PLEASE BE AWARE…do NOT purchase this product…it is a total rip-off and scam of the worst kind. My product came under the name of “BrightTeeth Whitening System” but I have since learned that the same product issued by the same company (NetaLab in Miami Beach FL) goes by many different names. I have also heard that they claim to have a business location in CA. BUYER BEWARE
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Ordered the SAMPLE- paid the shipping, got the FINE print, if you do not cancel within 15 days we will bill you for $88 a month forever.
HHmmmmmm… called all the numbers no use. So what? well had to cancel the card1 that’s what! Scammers!
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I stupidly signed up for a FREE trial of two teeth whitening products as seen on an adverstisement within the Hotmail website. I am now trapped in a scam which enrolled me into memberships because I agreed to the FREE trial. IvoryBrites at least will allow me to return their product for a refund and they were reachable by phone to cancel my membership. I had to request a return code from their support dept and I have yet to get it but I am hoping one thing goes right in this whole mess. Max White however, did answer my call in India but they are not willing to allow you to return their product for any refund. The operator made me read off my full address, name, phone #, and email before he would cancel my membership. I don’t know if he was confirming my information or writing it down for the first time. I spent 17 minutes on hold while he “cancelled” my membership. I am also being charged by Axis Wellness for $9.99. Apparently I was given(charged for) a memership to their website. I had to request that cancelled through IvoryBrites as well. The FREE trial is not with the hassle of cancelling these memberships. Obviously, the TERMS are not very clear as you breeze through the screens to receive the free trial. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY AS I HAVE!!!
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You may see other thousands of complaints here.
So, if a company is offering a free teeth whitening product trial, then most likely it’s a scam site – If you want to try any teeth whitening products then just buy a legitimate product from a major outlet or trusted online store. Crest Whitestrips is a leading brand of teeth whitening product and has been proven to work for most people. It is only about $20 with no hidden / monthly charges.